Tim McCready

Mood of the Boardroom: Business confidence on the rebound (NZ Herald)

Business confidence on the rebound

Confidence has rebounded in the 2021 Mood of the Boardroom after record low levels in last year’s election survey.

Cumulatively, respondents to the Herald survey rated their optimism in the New Zealand economy at 2.70/5 — up significantly from last year’s score of 1.36/5.

A professional director notes that 12 months ago, the forecasts of unemployment, debt and GDP were completely at odds with what has since unfolded: “The outlook is substantially more positive, and this will continue, assuming we complete our vaccine rollout by year end and start relaxing border restrictions in the first quarter of next year.”

But Cathy Quinn, a director of Fletcher Building and Fonterra, says she is less optimistic about the New Zealand economy, as she cannot yet see the game plan for New Zealand to open up to the world again.

“The rest of the world is already opening up borders again — albeit with conditions as to which countries. Evidence of Covid-19 vaccination, pre-departure and arrival tests etc.,” she says. “I fear if New Zealand does not do so similarly in 2022, our economy will suffer as well as the wellbeing of Kiwis.”

Auckland Business Chamber CEO Michael Barnett says prior to Covid-19 there were some sectors that were driving the New Zealand economy. “If we are smart, we will relaunch our economy on those sectors that were doing well and be creative about reinventing those sectors that were not.

“Internationally, we need to be wary of small economies protecting themselves and introducing non-tariff barriers to do so.”