Future of Consumption (Asia NZ Foundation & Auckland Business Chamber)

FUTURE OF CONSUMPTION – SESSION ONE from Auckland Business Chamber on Vimeo.

FUTURE OF CONSUMPTION – SESSION TWO from Auckland Business Chamber on Vimeo.


The future of consumption is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovative practices transforming the way we consume foods to the sustainable practices we adopt. From sustainability and vertical farming to cell-based cuisine, the future of consumption is full of exciting developments.

To help you stay ahead of the curve and gain valuable insights, you will learn about the impact of sustainability, vertical farming, and cell-based cuisine on the future of food, as well as how these practices are being implemented in the industry.

Join the Asia New Zealand Foundation and the Auckland Business Chamber for two sessions delivered digitally on the 20th of June.  These sessions will take a deep dive into these seismic changes with business leaders from the Asia region to discuss the forces, the opportunities, and the challenges that are shaping the future of consumption.

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